Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Life, on Repeat.

Well, the last few weeks have been a blur.

What has happened in the last two weeks? . . .Let's see:

Hubby's bestie came to visit.
I had a birthday.
Tax day came and went.
My sister had a birthday.

I am one of those people that gets really excited for their birthday. I don't know why, I just have always loved it. This year I didn't expect much out of my birthday, obviously I've been feeling a little down, and a little more than a little overwhelmed. I really didn't plan anything since I was feeling "bleh", so it was wonderful that my husband got a visitor for the weekend. I really think it helped lift his spirits, and sometimes that is the perfect job for an old friend.

We started packing up the house so the contractor can get in and start demolishing the interior. I'm terrible at packing. I find random items and get all nostalgic over them, and really it is somewhat difficult putting your life in a box. The first few days were the hardest and I was more than grateful for my husband, he not only keeps me on track and motivated, but he really ROCKS at packing! There hasn't been power in the house this whole time, so we do as much as we can while there is daylight, and shower by candlelight.

Between cleaning and packing up all of our stuff that is salvageable there just hasn't been much time for the rest of life. It seems like work, cleaning, and packing are my life now, and thankfully we are almost done with that.

Tonight my coworkers are going bowling, since it is after the sun will be down, I think we can actually go! Fingers crossed. 

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